About Me

I am a software engineer in the Cray Scientific and Math Libraries team at HPE. I develop and optimize numerical libraries like BLAS, LAPACK, PBLAS and SCALAPACK for AMD and NVIDIA GPU targets. I have a PhD in Aerospace engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. My thesis research involved studying the fundamental behavior of Turbulence fluid flows using optimized high resolution pseudo‐spectral Direct Numerical Simulations on large scale supercomputers.


Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA Aug 2017 - Aug 2021
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA Aug 2015 - May 2018
Master of Science, School of Aerospace Engineering
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India July 2011 - May 2015
Bachelor of Technology, Department of Aeronautical Engineering


Doctoral Thesis (defended July 30, 2021)
Title: Extreme-scale computing and studies of intermittency, mixing of passive scalars and stratified flows in turbulence
Committee Members: Prof. P. K. Yeung (advisor), Prof. K. R Sreenivasan, Prof. D. Ranjan, Prof. S. Menon and Prof. R. Vuduc


List of Publications
  1. Bak, S., Bertoni, C., Boehm, S., Budiardja, R., Chapman, B. M., Doerfert, J., Eisenbach, M., Finkel, H., Hernandez, O., Huber, J., Iwasaki, S., Kale, V., Kent, P. R., Kwack, J., Lin, M., Luszczek, P., Luo, Y., Pham, B., Pophale, S., Ravikumar, K., Sarkar, V., Scogland, T., Tian, S. and Yeung, P. K. (2022)
    OpenMP application experiences: Porting to accelerated nodes
    Parallel Computing Vol. 109, 102856.
  2. Chapman, B., Pham, B., Yang, C., Daley, C., Bertoni, C., Kulkarni, D., Oryspayev, D., D’Azevedo, E., Doerfert, J., Zhou, K., Ravikumar, K., Gordon, M., Del Ben, M., Lin, M., Alkan, M., Kruse, M., Hernandez, O., Yeung, P. K., Lin, P., Xu, P., Pophale, S., Sattasathuchana, T., Kale, V., Huhn, W., and He, Y. H. (2021)
    Outcomes of OpenMP Hackathon: OpenMP Application Experiences with the Offloading Model (Part II)
    McIntosh-Smith, S., de Supinski, B.R., Klinkenberg, J. (eds) OpenMP: Enabling Massive Node-Level Parallelism Vol. 12870.
  3. Yeung, P. K. and Ravikumar, K. (2020)
    Advancing understanding of turbulence through extreme-scale computation: Intermittency and simulations at large problem sizes
    Physical Review Fluids Vol. 5, 110517.
  4. Ravikumar, K., Appelhans, D. and Yeung, P. K. (2019)
    GPU acceleration of extreme scale pseudo-spectra simulations of turbulence using asynchronism
    Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (SC ’19)
Presentations and Talks
  1. Yeung, P. K., Ravikumar, K., Nichols, S. and Vaideswaran, R. (March 2023)
    Turbulence at the Exascale: particle tracking and asynchronous GPU algorithm for low-diffusivity turbulent mixing
    APS (American Physical Society) March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
  2. Yeung, P. K., Ravikumar, K. and Nichols, S. (November 2022)
    Turbulence simulations on the verge of Exascale: GPU algorithms and an alternative to long simulations at high resolutions
    75th Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis, IN.
  3. Yeung, P. K., Ravikumar, K., Nichols, S. and Vaideswaran, R. (March 2022)
    Simulation of extreme-scale homogeneous turbulence on a new leadership Exascale GPU platform
    APS (American Physical Society) March Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  4. Yeung, P. K., Vaideswaran, R., Ravikumar, K., Subramaniam, S. and Buaria, D. (November 2021)
    Stokes point-particle dynamics and flow structure in stationary isotropic turbulence
    74th Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, AZ.
  5. Ravikumar, K. (February 2021)
    Extreme scale pseudo-spectral simulations of turbulence using GPUs
    Virtual Seminar at IIT Kanpur.
  6. Ravikumar, K., Yeung, P. K., and Sreenivasan, K. R. (November 2020)
    Reaching high resolution for studies of intermittency in energy and scalar dissipation rates
    73rd Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Virtual (Chicago Time).
  7. Yeung, P. K. and Ravikumar, K. (November 2020)
    Schmidt number effects in turbulence with active scalars
    73rd Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Virtual (Chicago Time).
  8. Ravikumar, K., Hernandez, O. Levesque, J., Nichols, S. and Yeung, P. K. (September 2020)
    Achieving portability for a highly optimized GPU code for 3D Fourier Transforms at extreme problem sizes [video]
    Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC forum, Virtual.
  9. Ravikumar, K., Yeung, P. K. and Clay, M. P. (November 2019)
    Differential diffusion and spectral transfer in turbulent mixing at high Schmidt numbers
    72nd Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, WA.
  10. Zhai, X. M., Yeung, P. K. and Ravikumar, K. (November 2019)
    Mixing in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
    72nd Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, WA.
  11. Ravikumar, K., Appelhans, D. and Yeung, P. K. (November 2019)
    GPU Acceleration of Extreme Scale Pseudo-Spectral Simulations of Turbulence Using Asynchronism
    The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Denver, CO.
  12. Ravikumar, K., Yeung, P. K., Appelhans, D. and Hernandez, O. (April 2019)
    Experiences in porting a 3D FFT kernel from CUDA Fortran to OpenMP
    Department of Energy Performance, Portability and Productivity Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  13. Ravikumar, K., Appelhans, D. and Yeung, P. K. (November 2018)
    Extreme-scale computing for pseudo-spectral codes using GPUs and fine-grained asynchronism, with application to turbulence
    71st Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, GA.
  14. Yeung, P. K., Clay, M. P. and Ravikumar, K. (November 2018)
    Differential diffusion and active-scalar turbulence at high Schmidt numbers
    71st Annual Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, GA.
  15. Ravikumar, K., Appelhans, D. and Yeung, P. K. (November 2018)
    Achieving portability for a highly optimized GPU code for 3D Fourier Transforms at extreme problem sizes [video]
    3rd OpenPOWER Academia Discussion Group Workshop, Dallas, TX.
Manuscripts under Preparation
  1. Ravikumar, K., Sreenivasan, K. R. and Yeung, P. K. (expected 2023)
    Extreme dissipation and its multifractal nature at high Reynolds numbers
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
  2. (expected 2023)
    Exascale pseudo-spectral Direct Numerical Simulation of isotropic turbulence using Frontier
    Computer Physics Communication.


Please feel free to reach out to me at kiran.mit21@gmail.com